Portuguese ‘jihadists’ sentenced to prison terms

(Portugal News) Lisbon Criminal Court has sentenced Rómulo Costa and Cassimo Turé to prison terms of nine years and eight years and six months, respectively, for crimes in support of terrorist organisations linked to Islamic radicalism.

Both defendants were convicted of supporting, assisting and collaborating with Islamic terrorism, “in apparent competition with the crime of financing terrorism.”

The court absolved them, however, of the crimes of membership and recruiting militants for terrorist organisations.

The judgment proved that Cassimo Turé and Rómulo Costa “were aware of the political-military situation experienced in Syria, while also being aware of the extremist political-religious conventions of Nero Saraiva, Sadjo Turé (Cassimo’s brother), Edgar Costa and Celso Costa (brothers of Rómulo), Fábio Poças and Sandro Marques, as well as their intention, in an organised way, through a group they formed in the United Kingdom (London), to join terrorist organisations.”

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