FBI reassembles shredded plan for 2015 San Bernardino terrorist shooting

(Corona Press-Enterprise) Thin strips of paper, remnants of a handwritten diagram with notes that Rafia Sultana Shareef fed into a shredder just after the Dec. 2, 2015, San Bernardino terrorist attack, have been reassembled like a puzzle by federal investigators to provide a new account of the shooters’ planning for the siege that killed 14 people and wounded 22 others at the Inland Regional Center.

Corona resident Shareef, 66, also known as Rafia Farook, is scheduled for sentencing on Jan. 28 in U.S. District Court in Riverside after pleading guilty in March to one count of destruction of evidence. Prosecutors are not alleging that Shareef knew about the attack in advance.

The terrorists, Shareef’s son Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 29, died in a gun battle with police hours after the late-morning attack.

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