Jailed Australian terrorist Abdul Nacer Benbrika could be a threat from overseas, court told A jailed terror leader who plotted to bomb key Australian locations, including the MCG in Melbourne, could pose a risk even if deported.

(NCA NewsWire) A convicted terrorist who plotted to bomb the MCG and a nuclear reactor could still pose a risk even if deported to Algeria, a court was told.

Abdul Nacer Benbrika has spent the past 15 years in prison for plotting terror attacks in Melbourne and Sydney.

The Australian government wants to keep the 60-year-old behind bars for an extra three years because they think he’s an “unacceptable” risk of committing further terror offences if released.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton stripped the jailed terrorist leader of his Australian citizenship last month, and he could be deported to Algeria, where Benbrika was born.

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