French lawyers express dismay at downplaying of antisemitism during trial of terror suspects linked to Jan. 2015 attacks

(Algemeiner) Prosecutors at the trial in France of 14 defendants charged with providing support to the Islamist terrorists behind the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris began their closing arguments in court on Monday, amid concern that the antisemitic character of the atrocities was being deliberately downplayed in the proceedings.

“There are some events that mark us all for life, there are some trials more than others that make the voice tremble, that make the heart tighten,” Julie Holveck — vice prosecutor of the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office — told the court.

A total of 17 people were murdered on Jan. 7-9 , 2015, as brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi massacred staff at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and their cohort, Amedy Coulibaly, murdered a policewoman and hostages at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris two days later. All three terrorists were later killed in separate gun battles with French police.

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