France: Nearly 400 incidents praising terror reported in schools last month

(Breitbart) Nearly 400 incidents relating to the praising of terrorism or provocations relating to terrorism have been reported in schools across France from November 4th to the 30th.

The French Ministry of National Education reported 393 such incidents, stating that most were related to provocations, protests, or apologies for terrorism.

From the death of 47-year-old history and geography teacher Samuel Paty — who was beheaded on October 16th in the street by a Chechen refugee after showing his class cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed — to November 3rd, 400 incidents were also reported, 20 Minutes reports.

Of the total number of incidents, 90 per cent of the cases involved pupils and the rest involved the parents of pupils and even staff, with 286 reports made to the police and 136 to French prosecutors.

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