124 ‘high-risk’ Islamists at large in Germany: report More than 120 Islamists in Germany pose a 'high risk,' according to the country's investigative police agency. A deadly attack in Dresden last month forced authorities to increase surveillance of dangerous Islamists.

(Deutsche Welle) In response to a parliamentary question by the Green Party, Germany’s BKA Federal Criminal Police Office revealed there are currently 124 “high risk” Islamists at large in the country.

The agency also listed 151 people as posing a “moderate risk.”

The BKA’s responses were published in Die Welt newspaper on Saturday, which reported that police believe the Islamists could carry out politically motivated crimes, including violent attacks.

The debate about increasing surveillance of Islamists gained momentum in the country after a deadly knife attack in Dresden last month. The authorities had classified the Syrian attacker as a threat only five days before he was released from jail.

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