FvD wants to install wiretapping equipment in Salafist mosques

(NL Times) Forum for Democracy, a conservative political party, wants to install wiretapping equipment in Salafist mosques if there is a suspicion of criminal offenses. That is what FvD Member of Parliament Theo Hiddema said in the television program WNL on Sunday.

He argues that there are “a lot of coercive measures” in criminal law to deal with criminal organizations, which he says Salafist schools and mosques are. “They are sowing hatred and division against unbelievers and apostates, and that is a crime.”

According to the FvD, insufficient work has been done to detect Salafism in the Netherlands. “There are hundreds of hate schools. You can bet that things are not right there. It has never been said to an imam: now it’s enough, you sow hatred, and then we close our doors. If you say that, all hell breaks loose,” proclaims Hiddema.

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