French migration policy ‘anything but lax,’ says interior minister ‘No president has done as much as Emmanuel Macron’ when it comes to being tough on asylum and migration, says Gérald Darmanin.

(Politico) The French government’s migration policy is “anything but lax,” Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said, adding that “no president has done as much as Emmanuel Macron” when it comes to being tough on asylum and migration.

Speaking to Le Parisien, Darmanin said the migration policy of the French government is “even tougher than that of our predecessors,” adding that last year the authorities refused 100,000 asylum applications, out of 133,000 submitted.

He said that he had given “clear guidelines” on when to refuse asylum applications — for anyone who has committed any criminal act, seriously disrupted public order or voluntarily returned to their homeland.

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