Italy, France consider giving Tunisia migrant boat alerts

(AP) Italy and France are considering deploying sea or air craft to alert Tunisia to the departure of clandestine boats ferrying migrants north to Italian shores, like the young Tunisian man who is the chief suspect in a fatal knife attack at a French church last week, the Italian interior minister said Friday.

The Italian minister, Luciana Lamorgese, and French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin held talks in Rome on Friday. Darmanin declined to fault Italy for its handling of the Tunisian suspect, who landed on Italy’s Lampedusa island in September, was quarantined under pandemic rules and received expulsion papers from Italian authorities before reaching France in October.

“In no moment did I think there was something defective” in how Italy managed the case, Darmanin said, responding to a question at a news conference with Lamorgese after their talks.

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