French minister holds Tunisia talks on return of Islamist extremists

(AFP) Tunisia said Friday it would take back from France its citizens suspected of being radical Islamists, after last week’s deadly attack in Nice allegedly carried out by a Tunisian jihadist.

But Interior Minister Taoufik Charfeddine, following talks with his visiting French counterpart Gerald Darmanin, said their return would be conditional.

The former French colony is “prepared to receive any Tunisian,” Charfeddine said.

“But this must be done in line with conditions and regulations” under international laws and in “preserving the dignity of the Tunisian” being returned, Charfeddine told reporters.

Sources close to Darmanin said ahead of the talks that he would submit to authorities a list of some 20 Tunisians who France wants to expel, on the basis that they had been convicted on terrorism charges or were suspected of jihadist inclinations.

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