Two convicted in terrorist plot against Rotterdam police station

(NL Times) Two men suspected of plotting a terrorist attack against a police station in Rotterdam were convicted and sentenced to prison on Thursday. Ahmed B. was handed a prison term of eight years, and his alleged accomplice, Mouad M., was ordered to spend 7 years and 9 months behind bars.

Mouad M. was also convicted of vandalizing and damaging the prison in Vught where he was kept in pre-trial detention. Newswire ANP reported that he knocked down a treadmill in the gymnasium, and threw furniture while being egged on by Mohammed B., the man convicted of murdering filmmaker Theo van Gogh. This reportedly happened when M. was not allowed to contact his attorney. He was ordered to pay 33 thousand euros in restitution. The court also convicted B. of a violent street robbery where a gold chain was stolen, the sentencing document showed.

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