Terror threat remains high in Switzerland, warns Federal Intelligence Service

(Swiss Info) Terrorist attacks inspired by the Islamic State group remain likely in Europe, with Switzerland not invulnerable to such threats, says the Federal Intelligence Service.

“In Switzerland, the terrorist threat is heightened, but while it is among the countries viewed as legitimate targets by jihadists, it is not top of their list,” the FIS wrote in its annual report, Switzerland’s Security 2020, which was published on Tuesday.

The first half of 2020 has seen more acts of jihadist-motivated violence in Europe than 2019, the majority of them attacks carried out by lone perpetrators with knives, it wrote.

“The recent homicide in Morges, canton Vaud, on September 12, 2020, presumably fits this pattern,” it added. If found to be so, it would be the first terrorist attack in Switzerland since 2011, and the first jihad-motivated attack on Swiss soil, FIS noted.

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