Charlie Hebdo sparks Turkish fury with cartoon of Erdogan

(AFP) Turkey on Tuesday accused French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo of “cultural racism” over a front-page cartoon for its latest edition that mocks President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“We condemn this most disgusting effort by this publication to spread its cultural racism and hatred,” Erdogan’s top press aide, Fahrettin Altun, tweeted.

“French President Macron’s anti-Muslim agenda is bearing fruit! Charlie Hebdo just published a series of so-called cartoons full of despicable images purportedly of our President.”

The front-page caricature of Wednesday’s edition of Charlie Hebdo, released online on Tuesday night, shows Erdogan in a t-shirt and underpants, drinking a can of beer and lifting up the skirt of a woman wearing a hijab to reveal her naked bottom.

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