Sneha Chowdhury: Jihadist’s sister sentence ‘not unduly lenient’

(BBC) A suspended sentence given to the sister [of] a jihadist convicted of planning a terror attack in London was not unduly lenient, appeal judges said.

Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 29, from Luton, was jailed for life in July for a planned attack on tourist hotspots.

In August, his sister Sneha Chowdhury, 26, was given a suspended two-year prison term for failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism.

Lady Justice Macur said it was “justified.”

Former Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was arrested after unwittingly revealing to undercover police officers his plans to target tourist attractions, including Madame Tussauds, the gay pride parade and an open-top sightseeing bus.

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