March 2016: Terrorists could count on ‘passive support’ of population

(Brussels Times) The terrorists who carried out the attacks at Brussels Airport and the Brussels metro in March 2016 were able to go about their business unhindered thanks to the “passive and active support” of many of the residents of the Brussels commune of Molenbeek, according to a new book.

The book, in Dutch, was written by Cyrille Fijnaut, a former professor of criminology at the universities of Leuven and Tilburg, and an expert on police and organised crime. The book sets out to find out how the terrorists involved in the Brussels attacks, as well as the attacks in Paris the previous November, could have organised and carried out their crimes without being detected.

What his investigation brings to light is the close links between the terrorists — the “ideological criminals” — and the network of “ordinary” criminals involved in organised crime.

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