Germany: Top police informant identified by Islamist and convicted terrorist The undercover agent 'Murat Cem' is reported to be under police protection after a well-known Islamist identified him. Clues to the informant's real name were apparently found in a book about his surveillance work.

(Deutsche Welle) After the identity of a high-profile police informant was blown this summer, a radical Islamist and convicted terrorist has claimed responsibility for unmasking him, German public broadcaster Tagesschau reported on Friday.

Bernhard Falk said he worked out the real name of the undercover agent — code named Murat Cem — who tipped off authorities about the domestic Islamic extremist scene.

Murat, who has been an informant to German authorities for more than 20 years, is widely understood to have provided valuable insight into Islamist terrorist networks.

According to German media reports, he warned police several times that failed Tunisian asylum seeker Anis Amri posed a terror threat.

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