Wilders sparks outrage with tweet over Covid, minorities

(NL Times) PVV leader Geert Wilders sparked outrage on social media with a tweet about coronavirus patients with a non-Western background. According to Wilders, the treatments of “Henk and Ingrid” are being postponed, because ICU beds are occupied by “Mohamed and Fatima” who “do not speak our language and do not care about the rules.” Politicians from ruling parties D66 and CDA and opposition parties SP, PvdA, GroenLinks and DENK accused Wilders of racism and polarization.

“Mainly patients with a non-Western background who do not fully speak the Dutch language in our ICUs. The government must explain that. Why is this concealed? And what does that mean for the measures? All mosques closed and restaurants open again,” Wilders tweeted. “So treatments and operations of Henk and Ingrid with cancer, heart failure and other diseases are being postponed again because the ICUs are mainly occupied by Mohamed and Fatima who do not speak our language and do not respect the rules. Are those the facts Prime Minister Rutte?”

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