Germany’s refugee population falls for the first time in nine years The number of refugees living in Germany has fallen for the first time in nine years, said the Interior Ministry. Some lost their protection status, while others were prevented from entering due to COVID-19 restrictions.

(Deutsche Welle) The number of refugees living in Germany has fallen for the first time in nine years, according to the Interior Ministry.

In the first half of 2020, the total number of refugees decreased from about 1.83 million at the end of 2019, to about 1.77 million people, a decrease of around 62,000 people.

The figures emerged following an inquiry made by the socialist Left party regarding the number of migrants with secure housing and protection status.

According to the figures, there are currently around 1.31 million refugees with secure residence in Germany — around 50,000 fewer than in the previous six months.

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