France: One in four young Muslims refuse to condemn Charlie Hebdo terror killings

(Breitbart) A survey released by the Institut Français d’Opinion Publique (Ifop) has revealed that 26 per cent of French Muslims under the age of 25 refuse to condemn the 2015 Charlie Hebdo terror killings.

The study, which was undertaken in partnership with the satirical newspaper itself, revealed that 59 per cent of the French general public supported Charlie Hebdo’s right to publish depictions of the Islamic prophet Mohammed — 21 per cent more than a similar study in 2006.

However, five per cent of Muslims say they do not condemn the actions of the radical Islamic terrorists who committed the attack, and when broken down by age, over a quarter of those under 25 said they would not condemn [the] killings, while 12 per cent said they condemn the attack but share the values of the attackers.

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