Tariq Ramadan’s new CHIFA research center to explore ethics, feminism Some have critiqued Ramadan’s announcement of the center as an attempt at a comeback from his various sexual misconduct allegations.

(Morocco World News) Tariq Ramadan on Tuesday announced his latest project — the creation of CHIFA, a research and training center for students around the world.

Topics of study will include religion, spirituality, humanism, psychology, ecology, and teaching. CHIFA will also offer courses on colonialism, racism, law, and economics.

Most notable on the curriculum, however, are ethics and feminism.

While Tariq Ramadan may be a renowned academic, philosopher, and writer, these two words in CHIFA’s proposed curriculum set the internet ablaze.

Ramadan, a worldly religious scholar, has been under fire in the past few years for sexual misconduct. Some have critiqued this grand announcement as the academic’s attempt at a comeback.

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