82% of Europe’s terrorist prisoners are jihadists, report reveals

(EU Today) A new report, published by the International Center for the Study of Radicalization (ICSR), reveals that of the more than 1,400 individuals held on terrorism-related charges across 10 European countries, 82% are “jihadists.”

There are currently more people in jail on terrorism-related offences in Europe than at any point in the last two decades.

France is detaining most of them, 549. Spain follows with 329 people jailed, while 238 are detained in the UK and 136 in Belgium.

Other countries mentioned in the report are Sweden (53 prisoners), Netherlands (36), Norway (34), Greece (around 20) and Norway (19).

The size of the terrorism-linked prison population jumps to more than 3,000 if we also take into account those inmates being “monitored for signs of their radicalisation.” 54% of prisoners monitored for signs of extremism entered jail as “regular” criminals, and not on terrorism charges.

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