Government & Politics

Biden campaign holds private meeting with Palestinian-American activists Senior adviser to Joe Biden was 'evasive' and made no promises to address Israel's human rights abuses, source tells MEE

(Middle East Eye) Joe Biden’s presidential campaign held a private virtual meeting with Palestinian-American activists on Tuesday, several sources familiar with the call confirmed to Middle East Eye. Tony Blinken, a top campaign adviser, drew a “contrast between Donald Trump and Joe […]

Arts & Entertainment

Germany: Backlash after Düsseldorf enlists rapper Farid Bang for coronavirus video The German city of Düsseldorf has come under fire for collaborating with controversial rapper Farid Bang to produce a coronavirus social distancing appeal video. The artist has been accused of anti-Semitism in the past.

(Deutsche Welle) The anti-Semitism commissioner from Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia, has sharply criticized a video featuring controversial German rapper Farid Bang which calls on people to observe COVID-19 social distancing regulations. The short video was produced in collaboration with the […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

House votes to repeal Trump travel ban

(Hill) The House passed legislation to repeal President Trump’s controversial travel ban in a 233-183 vote along party lines on Wednesday. The legislation — spearheaded by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) and backed by 219 co-sponsors — includes language aimed at reining in […]