Alleged Hezbollah money launderer arrives in Miami-Dade to face 2016 charges

(WPLG) A purported Hezbollah associate arrived in Miami-Dade County on Friday evening after Cyprus agreed to turn him over to U.S. authorities to face money laundering charges in Miami-Dade County.

Ghassan Diab, 37, had been a fugitive since 2016. Drug Enforcement Administration agents started the case in Medellin, Colombia, where Diab’s brother-in-law Mohammad Ahmad Ammar was suspected of running a money-laundering operation linked to narcotrafficking.

Cyprus arrested Diab after his arrival from Lebanon in March 2019, and after several legal battles, Cyprus Supreme Court judges agreed to extradite him to the U.S. in June. Diab’s charges stem from crimes he allegedly committed in 2014, after Ammar came into contact with a DEA informant in Colombia.

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