New French PM says battle against ‘radical Islamism’ a priority Castex said a law to combat 'separatism' will be introduced after summer, but critics say Muslims will be targeted.

(Al-Jazeera) France’s newly-appointed prime minister, Jean Castex, has vowed to be “intransigent” in defending France’s official secularism, promising to fight “radical Islamism in all its forms” as “an absolute priority.”

Unveiling new government policy in Paris on Wednesday, Castex told the National Assembly that the French republic was being “shaken to its foundations” by “the coalition of its enemies — terrorists, conspiracy theorists, separatists and communitarians.”

Castex, a centre-right provincial mayor who graduated from the elite National School of Administration, said a new law to combat “separatism” would be introduced after the summer break.

It would aim to “avoid certain groups becoming closed in around ethnic or religious identities,” he said.

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