Sarsour group backs ‘no Zionists’ Juneteenth rally

(IPT) It was an event to celebrate freedom and protest ongoing bigotry and discrimination.

But the group Muslims4Abolition, which wants “… to be part of the movement to abolish bail, abolish jails, abolish the police, abolish prisons,” openly engaged in bigotry and discrimination in promoting its Juneteenth rally last Friday in New York. The event, an advertisement made clear, was “open to all, minus cops & Zionists.”

Juneteenth marks a day in American history that celebrates the freedom of the last slaves, more than two years after Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

It should surprise no one that an event which specifically excludes Zionists — those who believe in a homeland for the Jewish people — would draw support from Linda Sarsour and her organization MPower Change.

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