Muslim groups call for MUN to take action against ‘[Islamophobe]’ doctor and systemic racism National and provincial groups voice concern over Zachary Kuehner and MUN's response

(CBC) A letter signed by four provincial and national Muslim associations says a doctor accused of making racist comments violated several professional standards, and criticizes Memorial University’s response to the incidents.

Zachary Kuehner, a second-year resident at the school, came under fire for his use of the word “Islamophobe” in his Twitter bio, and for arguments about the Black Lives Matter movement.

A group of undergraduate medical students wrote a letter to the school to express their dismay. Now the National Council of Canadian Muslims has spearheaded a letter to the dean of medicine, Margaret Steele.

“Given the circumstances, it is clear that Dr. Kuehner does not meet the professional standards of training as a family physician,” says the letter.

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