Amsterdam Pride target of foiled terrorist attack

(NL Times) Amsterdam Pride was one of the targets of a terrorist attack foiled when the authorities arrested six men from Arnhem in September [2018], according to an email read in the trial against the six suspects on Friday, De Gelderlander reports.

“You decide what is easy for you guys to bring candy. First we wanted to join military parade, but then a gay parade in August,” the email read. “Candy” in the email apparently meaning weapons. According to the public prosecutor, the plan was first to set off a car bomb and then send several people in with bomb vests and assault rifles to “shoot like crazy at a festival.”

This email was sent by prime suspect Hardi N. to a confidant — believed to be an infiltrator for intelligence service AIVD. The suspects were arrested a month after Amsterdam Pride happened. Hardi N. could not get hold of weapons in time, [it] was said in court on Friday.

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