Academics & Education

Muslim groups call for MUN to take action against ‘[Islamophobe]’ doctor and systemic racism National and provincial groups voice concern over Zachary Kuehner and MUN's response

(CBC) A letter signed by four provincial and national Muslim associations says a doctor accused of making racist comments violated several professional standards, and criticizes Memorial University’s response to the incidents. Zachary Kuehner, a second-year resident at the school, came under fire for his […]

Gender Separation

Muslim women renew calls for more inclusive programs as mosques reopen As the coronavirus pandemic offers time to step back, Muslim Americans rethink how mosques can be more welcoming to women and adapt financially.

(HuffPost) As the coronavirus outbreak spread, mosques, like many houses of worship, were required to close their doors even during the holy month of Ramadan in compliance with statewide shutdowns. American Muslims across the country were forced to celebrate at home. With […]