Iran’s Islamic ‘revolution has no borders,’ says Torkilmaz The US government has declared Iran's regime to be the worst state sponsor of terrorism.

(Jerusalem Post) The head of the Imam Reza Islamic Center in Berlin has declared in an interview with an Iranian state-controlled news outlet on June 3 that Tehran’s Islamic revolution has no borders.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), an independent nonpartisan press-monitoring organization, first revealed the video of Sabaheddin Torkilmaz, the head of the Imam Reza Islamic Center, on its website.

According to MEMRI’s translation of Torkilmaz, he told Ofogh TV in Iran: “Since the Revolution [in 1979], Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine — and now Yemen and countries in Africa and in Latin America — have been inspired directly by Imam [Khomeini].” He added: “We need to examine what was the purpose of the Revolution. When Imam [Khomeini] said, ‘We will export the Revolution,’ what was it that he wanted to export? Iranian culture? Iranian-ness?”

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