Shots fired and unrest at Rasmus Paludan demo in Aarhus

(Copenhagen Post) Police shot a knife-armed man in the leg while masked people threw stones and fired fireworks at the authorities on Friday at a demonstration led by the failed politician Rasmus Paludan in Aarhus.

Paludan had intended to burn the Koran in the protest at Gellerupparken in western Aarhus. On his Facebook page, the leader of the Stram Kurs (Hard Line) party said that “a Muslim man” attacked him with a knife in the area but he was not harmed.

Police said it was unclear what motive the 52-year-old man with a knife had, according to TV2. They said that when the man did not respond to their calls, they fired warning shots and later shot him in the leg. The man was taken to hospital and is out of danger.

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