Adelaide woman acquitted of IS membership had ‘advanced notice’ of Kenya attack, court told

(ABC-Australia) An Adelaide woman who was acquitted of being a member of Islamic State believed she had an “influence” over the timing of a terror attack at a Kenyan police station in 2016, the Federal Court has heard.

Zainab Abdirahman-Khalif, 25, spent two years and six months in jail after a South Australian Supreme Court jury found her guilty of being a member of a terrorist organisation.

However, she was freed on appeal in October 2019.

Commonwealth prosecutors have asked the High Court to overturn her acquittal, but the hearing has been delayed because of the coronavirus health pandemic.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) is seeking to use powers under the Anti-Terrorism Act to control parts of Ms Abdirahman-Khalif’s life in a bid to prevent a potential terror attack.

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