Neighbor: Tampa terror suspect ‘didn’t like Americans’

(WTVT) The arrest of a Tampa man accused of pledging allegiance to ISIS and scouting potential attack sites throughout Tampa Bay left neighbors stunned.

The FBI has charged Muhammed al-Azhari, 23, with providing material support to ISIS after they say he stockpiled weapons, expressed allegiance to the “caliphate” and worshipped the Orlando Pulse night club shooter.

“He didn’t like Americans, he’d tell you that,” said Sherrie Warren, one of al-Azhari’s neighbors. “He kept to himself. But when he came out to the garbage can, he was rude. You couldn’t talk to him. He said women aren’t supposed to talk, just men.”

Warren watched as the FBI searched al-Azhari’s house following his arrest Sunday when investigators said he bought weapons from someone he thought was a co-conspirator.

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