MCCCD releases report of independent investigation of Scottsdale Community College academic freedom incident Interim school chancellor to ‘take appropriate time’ to consider report, make determination

(Daily Independent) A report has been issued to Maricopa County Community College District Interim Chancellor Dr. Steven R. Gonzales detailing facts and findings related to Scottsdale Community College’s response to controversy stemming from quiz questions described as discriminatory to the religion of Islam.

On May 11, Dr. Gonzales announced an independent investigation into SCC’s response to controversy that surfaced after quiz questions from a world politics course were posted on social media, amid concerns about how to appropriately address the student’s concerns and the faculty member’s rights.

The final report and associated appendix were delivered to the interim chancellor on May 26. The report outlines facts and findings from an investigation, and details conclusions made through the investigation, which includes the community college focusing on an influx of social media complaints. The administration paid little attention to the actual exchange between the student and professor or the context of the quiz questions, the report stated.

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