Finnish police believe asylum seeker staged his own death after returning to Iraq Strasbourg judges ruled against Finland in 2019 for violating the human rights of a refugee who was reportedly killed on returning home.

(Yle) An Iraqi man who was refused asylum in Finland and believed to have been murdered a month after returning to his home country may still in fact be alive, police said on Wednesday, as they launched an investigation on charges of aggravated fraud and forgery.

The man, a Sunni Muslim born in 1971 according to court documents, was reportedly shot three times in December 2017 just weeks after he voluntarily returned to Baghdad after Finnish authorities turned down his asylum application.

The man’s daughter brought the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, where judges last November found that Finnish authorities had violated the man’s human rights by refusing him asylum, and ordered the state to pay 20,000 euros in damages.

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