Germany open to resettling children from Greek refugee camps Germany's government is seeking a 'coalition of the willing' to take in the children across Europe. The EU wants to avoid a repeat [of] the 2015 refugee crisis as thousands of refugees and migrants gather at Greece's border.

(Deutsche Welle) Germany is prepared to take in “an appropriate share” of the neediest refugee children housed in overcrowded Greek migrant camps, German officials said on Monday.

The country is set [to] take children in as part of “a coalition of the willing” to be made up of other EU countries.

The announcement from the German government came after its chancellor, Angela Merkel, met with members of her coalition government to discuss the humanitarian crisis on Greece’s borders and in its migrants camps. Migrants and refugees have been amassing along the Greece-Turkey border ever since Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said its borders were open to refugees seeking to cross into Greece.

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