Germany: Thousands rally urging government to accept more refugees Berlin has insisted that the EU's 'borders are not open' despite a new push of migrants and refugees at the Turkish-Greek frontier. Up to 5,000 people have gathered in the northern city, chanting 'Hamburg has space.'

(Deutsche Welle) Up to 5,000 people gathered in Hamburg on Saturday in protest of the German government’s handling of the fresh migrant crisis unfolding at the Turkish-Greek border.

The rally took place in response to the rush by thousands of … migrants and refugees in Turkey — many from Afghanistan, Iran and Syria — towards the EU border last week after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that the frontier had been reopened. Germany, along with other EU countries, has maintained that the border remains closed.

“When Europe officially closes its borders and state-condoned violence against those seeking refuge escalates, then everyone needs to go to the streets in solidarity with the right to asylum,” said protest organizer Christoph Kleine of the activist group “Seebrücke” (Sea bridge).

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