Palestinian group celebrated terrorism on city property, says B’nai Brith

(Canadian Jewish News) The City of Mississauga says it will take past experiences with a Palestinian group into account when it comes to future bookings because a recent event by the group was counter to municipal policy.

According to B’nai Brith Canada, the Arab Palestine Association of Ontario (APAO) held the event at the Mississauga Valley Community Centre on Feb. 2 to celebrate “the 55th anniversary of the launch of the Palestinian Revolution.”

Loyalists of Fatah, the Palestinian political party, mark this event annually in recognition of a 1965 attempt to destroy Israel’s National Water Carrier — “the first major terror attack staged by Fatah,” B’nai Brith said in a Feb. 7 news release.

The APAO appears to operate as the “de facto” Canadian branch of Fatah, the Jewish advocacy group said.

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