Hassan Diab urges federal government to settle $90 million claim alleging ‘wrongful extradition’ Diab was held for years in a French jail as part of a terrorism investigation that failed due to weak evidence

(CBC) Hassan Diab filed a statement of claim today seeking $90 million from the federal government over the role Canada played in his extradition to France — but his lawyer says the best outcome for everyone would be a speedy out-of-court settlement.

“Dr. Diab and his family’s hope is that the prime minister and his government … will want to right this terrible wrong,” said lawyer Guy Pratte. “The hope is that the government will seize this occasion to achieve an appropriate resolution out of court at the earliest opportunity and not compound the injustice that has been inflicted.”

Diab and his family filed the claim with the Ontario Superior Court. They’re suing the federal government over the role Canada played in his extradition to France and his years of imprisonment in a French jail — the results of a terrorism probe that ultimately fell apart due to weak evidence.

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