Foreign minister wins confidence vote over al-Hol furore Pekka Haavisto received majority support from 110 MPs on Wednesday on the issue of the repatriation of Finns from Syria.

(Yle) Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto received the support of 110 MPs in a confidence vote held in Parliament on Wednesday concerning the repatriation of Finns living in the al-Hol camp in Syria. Out of 200 MPs, 79 MPs voted against while 10 were absent.

Four opposition groups, the Finns Party, the conservative National Coalition Party, the Christian Democrats and Movement Now (Liike nyt) had filed an interpellation over Haavisto’s alleged plan to repatriate Finnish citizens from the al-Hol refugee camp in Syria.

The heated debate on this issue began on Tuesday afternoon before talks moved on to next year’s budget plans in the evening. The al-Hol issue was back on the agenda after midnight and discussions went on past 3 am on Wednesday morning.

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