Rep. Rashida Tlaib in San Diego Saturday, but location kept secret for safety

(Times of San Diego) Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, the harsh critic of Israel, will speak at a town hall meeting Saturday in San Diego and visit with local groups Sunday, says the sponsoring Council on American-Islamic Relations chapter.

But the location won’t be made public. Only paid registrants — and some media outlets — will learn the address, organizers said Tuesday.

“We have to protect our community. The white supremacists are a real threat,” said Dustin Craun, executive director of CAIR’s San Diego chapter.

Last week, the event advertised as “A Conversation with Rep. Rashida Tlaib” was approved for Westview High School one day and revoked the next by the Poway Unified School District, citing scheduled maintenance of the school’s Performing Arts Center.

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