Richardson man who called for slaughter of ‘infidels’ in name of ISIS gets 30 years in prison Said Rahim was arrested at an airport before he could board a plane for the Middle East, where prosecutors say he planned to join ISIS.

(Dallas Morning News) Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim lived a comfortable life in North Texas, where he operated his own convenience store.

But he wanted more, prosecutors say: war, murder and jihad.

As a result, the 43-year-old Richardson man will spend the next 30 years in a federal prison for trying to recruit ISIS fighters on a social media app called Zello.

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Jane Boyle read Rahim’s own words to him before she sentenced him in a courtroom in Dallas in the terrorism case. Among the words Rahim used that she read were, “Kill them and do not show them compassion or mercy.”

“There’s so much hate out there,” Boyle told Rahim. “We just can’t tolerate that in this country.”

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