Man accused of abusing stepdaughter with broomstick over religious beliefs

(Bismarck Tribune) A Bismarck man is charged with felony child abuse for allegedly striking his stepdaughter with a broomstick because she refused to wear clothing that reflected his religious beliefs, police say.

Youness Moussaid, 33, made his initial court appearance Friday. He is accused of striking the teenage girl, causing several bruises, and of grabbing the girl’s hair and striking her head against a wall, causing a quarter-size bump, an affidavit said.

School officials notified the Bismarck Police Department when they noticed visible signs of abuse, Lt. Luke Gardiner said.

Moussaid wants the girl to “follow his Muslim beliefs, which includes wearing dresses and hijab,” but the girl changes clothes when she gets to school, the affidavit said.

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