Czech Supreme Court rules in favor of Somali girl barred from wearing hijab at Prague school The Czech Republic must accept and tolerate religious pluralism, and neither discriminate against any religion nor favour it unless it has a special reason, the court said

( A Somali girl who wanted to wear hijab at a Prague secondary nursing school but was banned to do so in 2013 had the right to wear it, the Czech Supreme Court ruled in its verdict that has been released on its website.

The Czech Republic must accept and tolerate religious pluralism, and neither discriminate against any religion nor favour it unless it has a special reason, the court said.

A Prague district court, which rejected her complaint against not being allowed to wear the scarf with which Muslim women cover their hair, has to deal with the case again. It must respect the Supreme Court’s verdict that the girl has proved an indirect discrimination against her access to education on religious grounds.

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