Report: Hezbollah uses Germany as hub for terror The Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist organization’s operations in Europe include drug-trafficking, money-laundering, recruitment and fundraising, according to German security sources.

(JNS) As many as 1,050 Hezbollah members and supporters reside in Germany, and the organization uses the country as a major hub for its activities, German daily Tagesspiegel reported last week, citing security sources.

The Lebanese Shi’ite terrorist group’s operations in Europe include drug-trafficking, with the ports of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg serving as the main entry points, according to the report.

The sources also said that Hezbollah engages in money-laundering, recruitment and fundraising on the continent, and sends the money it raises in these ways to Lebanon to buy weapons and fund the group’s operations, according to Tagesspiegel. Around 30 mosques and culture centers in Germany have ties to Hezbollah, the report said.

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