Parents shocked by son’s terrorism arrest; older suspect from Iran

(NL Times) The parents of a 20-year-old man arrested on Monday on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack in the Netherlands [are] shocked by the accusations against their son. “We never expected this. If it is true, we strongly reject it. But we hope it’s not true,” the parents said to newspaper AD.

The 20-year-old man has Dutch nationality, but his family is originally from Iraq. The parents moved to the Netherlands in 1992 and all three [of] their children were born here. A second suspect arrested on Monday, a 34-year-old man, is from Iran, according to the newspaper.

The public prosecutor announced on Monday that the two are suspected of planning an attack in the Netherlands before the end of this year. Their exact target is unclear, but the authorities believe they were planning to use at least one car bomb and bomb vests.

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