
Negative attitudes about Muslims in Australia remain high, survey finds The annual Scanlon Foundation report has found negative attitudes about Muslims remain high, while concerns about climate change have almost doubled.

(SBS) The vast majority of Australians agree multiculturalism has been good for Australia, but a significant minority still express negativity towards Muslims, according to a report released on Tuesday. The findings come in the 12th annual Scanlon Foundation report into social cohesion […]

Discrimination & “Islamophobia”

Top Muslim group calls for U.S. boycott of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing The Chinese government’s 'ethnic genocide' against the Muslim Uighur population is disqualifying, according to Emgage.

(HuffPost) Emgage, a group dedicated to increasing Muslim American involvement in politics, called on the U.S. Olympic National Committee to boycott the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing over the Chinese government’s mass detention and repression of Uighur Muslims. “The Olympic Games are […]

Clerics & Preachers

Founder of Berlin’s liberal mosque honored for inclusive vision Seyran Ates' long fight for women's rights in the Muslim world led her to open a tolerant mosque where non-veiled women could preach and pray alongside men. She has now been honored with the prestigious Urania Medal.

(Deutsche Welle) A lawyer, activist, author and now imam, Seyran Ates has long lent a critical voice to debates about migration, women’s rights and religious freedom in Germany and beyond. Ates co-founded the “liberal” Ibn Ruschd-Goethe Mosque on the third floor of St. John’s Church near […]