Government & Politics

‘US citizen terrorist to be repatriated from Turkey’ After being stuck along Turkey-Greece border, foreign national terrorist to be sent to US: Turkish Interior Ministry

(Anadolu) The U.S. citizen terrorist will be repatriated to his home country after [being] in legal and literal limbo along the Turkey-Greece border, the Turkish Interior Ministry said on Thursday. “The necessary legal procedures to send the foreign national terrorist to the […]


Germany: Don’t panic over ‘Islamic State’ returnees’ arrival Berlin has tried to reassure the public that suspected German Islamic State supporters being deported from Turkey do not pose a security threat. Critics say the government should have brought them back sooner.

(Deutsche Welle) A family of seven German Islamists arrived in Berlin on Thursday after the Turkish Interior Ministry announced earlier this week that it would start deportations of captured “Islamic State” supporters. There are no German arrest warrants for the family of German-Iraqi Kanan B., meaning […]

Children & Teens

A judge has ruled that a woman who left the US for ISIS is not an American citizen The ruling means the federal government is under no obligation to facilitate Hoda Muthana's or her 2-year-old son's return to the US.

(BuzzFeed) A federal judge ruled Thursday that Hoda Muthana, a US-born woman who left the country to join ISIS, is not an American citizen, and therefore the government has no obligation to facilitate her return or that of her 2-year-old son. Judge […]