Turkey to start extraditing Daesh/ISIS members Nov. 11 Turkey to send back Daesh/ISIS members even though home countries do not want them back, says interior minister

(Anadolu) Turkey will start extraditing captured Daesh/ISIS terrorists Nov. 11 to their home countries, according to Turkey’s interior minister.

“PYD[/PKK terror group] releases Daesh[/ISIS] terrorists and we capture them,” Suleyman Soylu told an opening ceremony in Ankara.

“We tell Europe that we will send those [Daesh terrorists] back to you, and we hopefully start as of Monday,” Soylu said, adding that they are citizens of European countries.

Ankara tells Europe that it will send Daesh/ISIS members back to their countries, but European countries refuse, saying that Daesh terrorists were denationalized.

“They say, we revoked their citizenship so you can do whatever you want [with them],” Soylu added.

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