Government & Politics

Turkey to start extraditing Daesh/ISIS members Nov. 11 Turkey to send back Daesh/ISIS members even though home countries do not want them back, says interior minister

(Anadolu) Turkey will start extraditing captured Daesh/ISIS terrorists Nov. 11 to their home countries, according to Turkey’s interior minister. “PYD[/PKK terror group] releases Daesh[/ISIS] terrorists and we capture them,” Suleyman Soylu told an opening ceremony in Ankara. “We tell Europe that we […]

Children & Teens

Detained Islamic State members turn to Europe’s courts to come home Widows and fighters held in camps in Syria lodge cases in Belgium, France, Germany and Netherlands to force resistant governments to repatriate them

(Wall Street Journal) Jessie Van Eetvelde was a Belgian supermarket cashier who heard the Muslim call to prayer on a vacation in Morocco 11 years ago and converted to Islam. Back home she married a Dutch Muslim man, and in 2014 the […]

Government & Politics

Germany: Terror victims to receive better compensation After criticism that the victims of the 2016 Berlin terrorist attack were left behind, Germany has passed new laws on damages. Victims will be more speedily and more generously compensated.

(Deutsche Welle) Future victims of terrorist attacks in Germany will get better and speedier [compensation] after a new law was passed in the Bundestag on Thursday evening. The modernizing move came after criticism of the treatment received by the victims of the […]