Two Somali Americans elected to city councils in US

(VOA) Two Somali American women have won seats on city councils in Minnesota and Maine, U.S. states with sizable communities from the African diaspora.

Voters on Tuesday elected Nadia Mohamed for an at-large seat in St. Louis Park, a western suburb of Minneapolis, in the Midwestern state of Minnesota, and chose Safiya Khalid to represent a ward in Lewiston, in the northeastern state of Maine.

Both ran as Democrats and will be the first Somali immigrants on their respective councils. Both also are 23 and are black, hijab-wearing Muslims.

Their election victories represent “not only a success for Somalis and Muslims but also a great success for American values, based on diversity and multiculturalism and respect for women,” said Hashi Shafi, who heads the Somali Action Alliance. The Minneapolis-based nonprofit promotes civic engagement and leadership.

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